In News

Inauguration ceremony of the National Diving Center

Participation of Co.l.Mar at the inauguration ceremony of the PNS (Polo Nazionale della dimensione Subacquea) presided over by Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina, Ammiraglio di Squadra Enrico CREDENDINO.

Co.L.Mar srl was founded in 1982 and today boasts around fifteen employees including engineers, geophysicists and specialized technicians.

For more than forty years, our specific skills in underwater acoustics have allowed us to be leaders in this sector. Our experience ranges from the design to the creation of acoustic systems such as hydrophones and projectors, used both in the civil sector, for environmental monitoring and oceanographic research, and in the military sector, in the field of active systems (sonars, antennas) and passive systems (acoustic heads, hydrophones etc.). Our company is actively present in geophysical surveys in harbour and coastal areas and offers services of subsea leak detection on offshore oil and gas pipelines thanks to the exclusive ALDⓇ patent qualified by the DNV standard. The services provided in the offshore sector over the years have allowed us to be known by the major oil companies around the world. Our headquarters is also equipped with the largest indoor pool in Italy (11m x 14m x 8m), equipped and dedicated to instruments testing , acoustic measurements and calibrations.

locandina cerimonia di inaugurazione del Polo Nazionale della dimensione Subacquea. Partecipazione di Co.l.Mar con i suoi prodotti per acustica e rilievi subacquei
Idrofono omnidirezionale preamplificato a basso rumore
Colmar idrofono secondo standard militare
Idrofono omnidirezionale a basso rumore con cavo PUR o neoprene
Colmar GP calibratore portatile per idrofoni
col.mar idrofono - proiettore TD0720
Antenna per idrofono ad alta frequenza
Idrofono omnidirezionale a basso rumore con cavo PUR o neoprene
array di idrofoni per monitoraggio PAM