In La Spezia, Co.L.Mar srl, one of the first companies to have joined the Consorzio Tecnomar del Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine (Tecnomar Consortium of the Ligurian Marine Technology District), with one of Italy’s biggest internal testing-tanks, stands out as a leader in the research and development of technologies for marine surveys and advanced sonar.
Luigi Barbagelata, in the interview given to BJ Liguria Business Journal, highlighted the key role of the company in environmental monitoring, in the search for leaks and in the design of high-precision systems for marine operations.
Co.l.Mar represents a model of technological excellence and sustainability, actively collaborating with institutions and companies to promote innovative solutions, vital for the future of exploration and underwater safety.
For more details, watch the video here. ( https://youtu.be/bcA10AeQtJs )