In News
Marine sediment characterization campaign - ADSP- MLOr

CO.L.MAR., under a framework contract with the Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Orientale (ADSP-MLOr), has successfully completed a campaign to characterize marine sediments on the seabed of the Third Basin of the Port of La Spezia.

This activity, conducted in collaboration with a temporary consortium of companies with Agrolab Italia Srl, Ambiente SpA and Consula Srl, represents a significant example of technical excellence and collaboration in the field of environmental analysis and maritime works.

The survey campaign involved 48 surveys, carried out using advanced techniques such as vibrocoring and rotational coring. These operations allowed sediment samples to be collected up to a depth of over 11 meters in the seabed, ensuring maximum precision and compliance with current regulations. Each sample collected was carefully described and analyzed, following the guidelines of environmental legislation on the characterization of marine sediments.

The operational activities, conducted with cutting-edge equipment and a methodical approach, ended in November 2024. This project represents a crucial step for the sustainable management of marine sediments and the development of port infrastructures in the area.

Thanks to its consolidated experience and the ability to collaborate with qualified partners such as Art Sub srl, which supplied all the naval instruments, CO.L.MAR. confirms itself as a point of reference in the field of geotechnical and environmental surveys in the maritime sector. Find out more about our services and projects by visiting the official website